

The Surveys tab lists the surveys that are open and available to administer. 


The Surveys tab lists surveys under the following 2 categories:

  • Administrative Surveys: The Tuition Survey; Application, Enrollments, and Degrees Conferred Surveys; and Financial Survey.  
  • Curriculum Quality Surveys: The Graduating Student, Faculty, Alumni, and Preceptor surveys. 

Video Tutorial:

  • Overview of the Surveys tab:



Why can't I see any, or all, of the surveys?

  • The list is based on the surveys(s) assigned to your school user account and the survey(s) open and available to administer. If you cannot view a survey, you may not have appropriate permissions setup for your account. Please contact your school administrator to request the desired permission level(s). Alternatively, email the Survey System Helpdesk using the subject heading User. Tip: If you know your school administrator, cc them in the e-mail as we will need their authorization on any account changes. The school administrator is often the CEO dean at your institution.

Who is my school administrator?

  • School administrator roles typically default to the dean at each institution; however, the dean may designate an alternate to serve in these roles. If you are unsure about who your school administrator is, email the Survey System Helpdesk.

For additional help or feedback, email the Survey System Helpdesk.