

The Reports tab contains institutional, national, and peer reports. 


The Reports tab lists surveys under the following 2 categories: 

  • Curriculum Quality Surveys: The Graduating Student, Faculty, Alumni, and Preceptor surveys. 
  • Administrative Surveys: The Tuition Survey; Application, Enrollments, and Degrees Conferred Surveys; and Financial Survey. 

For each survey, there are 3 different reports that can be run:

  • Institutional Data: Copies of the institution's survey submissions.
  • Peer Data: Each school can run peer reports using at least 5 and up to 15 comparison schools. Only schools who submitted data for the year can run and be included in peer reports for that year. Schools who did not submit data for the year and survey used to generate a peer report are ineligible to participate in that report. 
  • National Data: Reports containing national data that are inclusive of all participating and eligible institutions.

How To Run a Report

To create a report:

  1. Click on the Reports tab.
  2. Choose either the Curriculum Quality Surveys or Administrative Surveys.
  3. Click either the 'Institutional Data', 'Peer Data', or 'National Data' tab.
  4. Select a 'Year.'
  5. Select a 'Survey.'
  6. Based on the report type chosen in step 3, follow the prompts generated to create the report. A download report option will appear once the report is completed. Note: Downloads are available in PDF, HTML, and EXCEL format.



Why can't I see any, or all, of the surveys under the Report tab?

  • The list is based on the surveys(s) assigned to your school user account and the survey(s) available for reports. If you cannot view a survey, you may not have appropriate permissions setup for your account. Please contact your school administrator to request the desired permission level(s). Alternatively, email the Survey System Helpdesk using the subject heading User. Tip: If you know your school administrator, cc them in the e-mail as we will need their authorization on any account changes. The school administrator is often the CEO dean at your institution.

Who is my school administrator?

  • School administrator roles typically default to the dean at each institution; however, the dean may designate an alternate to serve in these roles. If you are unsure about who your school administrator is, email the Survey System Helpdesk.

For additional help or feedback, email the Survey System Helpdesk.