

The Financial Survey collects monetary figures related to school expenditures, revenues, and funding for research and training. Data are used to create national reports of the participating institutions with enrollments in all four professional years (three years for accelerated programs). 

AACP sends an e-mail to the survey administrator and school users assigned to the survey(s) when the survey administration period opens. At least one reminder e-mail of the survey is sent before the closing date. It is the responsibility of the college/school to complete the survey and download a copy.

How to Access the Survey:

Once logged in:

  1. Go to the AACP Online Survey System 2.0: https://aacp-data.com/login
  2. Log in using your username and password. Note: If you had an account in the Survey System 1.0 legacy system and are logging into the new Survey System 2.0 site for the first time, please visit the Survey System 2.0 School Users article for more information on how to login
  3. Select the ‘Administrative Surveys’ tab
  4. Select ‘All Surveys’
  5. There will be a Financial Survey link. Note: If you are responsible for this survey and do not see it listed, please try clicking your institution's name and you should see surveys assigned to your account:  
    • Click on your Institution's name under the 'Institution' column .
    • Note: If you are responsible for this survey and do not see it listed after trying the above, please contact your school administrator, and/or the Survey System Helpdesk as you may not have access to the survey.
  6. Click ‘Start’ to enter data into a survey section
  7. Click on 'Save' to save changes frequently to avoid losing data
  8. Click on ‘Mark Section Complete’ for each section, once you have finished entering and reviewing all of your data. Note: If you run into any issues marking sections complete, please email the Survey System Helpdesk using the subject heading FINSY
  9. Select the ‘Submit’ button after entering and reviewing the data in all three sections of the survey

How to Download a Copy of the Survey

  • To get a blank copy of the survey: Once you open a section, before entering any data, click on 'Print PDF'. This will generate a blank copy of the current section. For each section, follow these steps to save a blank copy of the section
    • To get a copy of the survey during data entry: 
      1. Click on 'Print PDF'. This will generate a copy of the current entries made for that section. For copies of any of the three sections, follow these steps. 
    • To get a copy of the survey after submission: 
      1. Click on 'Administrative Surveys' on the left side of the menu.
      2. Select 'All Survey(s)'.
      3. Click on your Institution's name under the 'Institution' column .
      4. Click on the third tab titled 'Administrative Surveys'. This will show a list of all surveys assigned in the account. 
      5. Click the 'View' button next to the desired survey name under the 'Action' column.
      6. Click on the 'View' button under the Action column. This will open the submitted version of that section. 
      7. Click on 'Print PDF' on the top left corner to download a copy of the section. For copies of any of the three sections, follow these steps. 



For frequently asked questions on the content of the survey, visit AACP's Financial Survey FAQ page. 

Why can't I see any, or all, of the surveys?

  • The list is based on the surveys(s) assigned to your school user account and the survey(s) open and available to administer. If you cannot view a survey, you may not have appropriate permissions setup for your account. Please contact your school administrator to request the desired permission level(s). Alternatively, email the Survey System Helpdesk using the subject heading User. Tip: If you know your school administrator, cc them in the e-mail as we will need their authorization on any account changes. The school administrator is often the CEO dean at your institution.

Who is my school administrator?

  • School administrator roles typically default to the dean at each institution; however, the dean may designate an alternate to serve in these roles. If you are unsure about who your school administrator is, email the Survey System Helpdesk.

Can I download a copy of the submitted survey(s)?

  • Please check the 'How to Access a Copy of the Survey' section of this article for steps on downloading a pdf copy before submission. The reporting feature is being built at the moment and schools cannot download copies after submission. Please contact AACP if you need an immediate copy of your report. 

For additional help or feedback, email the Survey System Helpdesk.