

The AACP Survey System provides a platform for institutions to administer surveys, submit survey data, and run institutional and peer reports.

A knowledge base (KB) library is a self serve online library used to share information about a product or service. The Survey System KB library utilizes articles, visuals, and step-by-step instructions on using the Survey System features.  



The Survey System consists of the following 5 tabs:

  • Resources: Survey copies, user guides, and frequently asked questions regarding the surveys. 
  • Surveys: Shows currently open surveys available for schools to access and administer.
  • Users: There are 2 user types, school administrators and school users, for each institution.
  • Reports: Institutional copies of submitted surveys as well as copies of national reports. Schools may also run peer reports. 



I searched the Survey System KB library but still have questions. Who can I contact?

For additional help or feedback, email the Survey System Helpdesk