The Individual Standard PDF is offered for each and every standard of an institution's Self Study and available to download standard by standard. Note: Please disable the pop-up blockers and allow up to a couple of minutes for the PDF to download.
Includes one standard and the narrative sections as well as the data views found within the standard.
- Advantages over Full Self Study PDF:
- New version is created every time button is clicked.
- Can download before and after submitting a Self Study.
- Smaller and shorter size file.
- Disadvantages over Full Self Study PDF:
- Does not contain any content outside of the one standard downloaded.
How To Download the Individual Standard PDF
The Individual Standard PDF is available to school users with the ‘Self-Study Read’ or ‘Self-Study Write’ permission levels. Note: After a Self Study is submitted, ACPE receives online access to all 3 versions of the PDF as well as the thumb drive provided by the institution.
Once logged in:
- Choose ‘AAMS’ found in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen
- Click the ‘Self Study’ tab
- Under Section I or Section II or Section III, click on the Title of the desired standard
- In the top right corner of the page, click the 'Print PDF' button
- Since the PDF is generated each time the ‘Print PDF’ button is clicked, a new browser tab will open and the PDF will download after several seconds. Troubleshoot: If the PDF is not generating properly, try another browser and/or an incognito window. If possible, clear your cache and/or cookies.
Why can’t I see the ‘Self Study’ tab or access the Individual Standard PDF?
- You may not have the appropriate permission levels setup for your account. Please contact your AAMS school administrator to request the 'Self-Study Read' or 'Self-Study Write' permission level. Alternatively, email the AAMS Helpdesk using the subject heading User. Tip: If you know your school administrator, cc them in the e-mail as we will need their authorization on any account changes.
Why can’t I find more than one standard in the PDF?
- The Individual Standard PDF only includes one standard at a time. For all standards in the same pdf, the Short Version PDF or the Full Self Study PDF is needed.
Why can't I open links in the PDF I downloaded?
- To open documents attached to a standard online access is required.
For additional help or feedback, email the AAMS Helpdesk.