
The 'Self Study' tab provides an electronic version of the ACPE self-evaluation instrument, commonly referred to as the "rubric", which addresses the ACPE Standards 2016. The instrument is designed to assist a college or school of pharmacy prepare its self-study report and document how its pharmacy degree program is addressing ACPE's Standards. ACPE requires institutions to submit a self-study for accreditation purposes. Although not required, AACP member institutions may opt to submit an electronic self-study through the Self Study tab in AAMS. Important: Only the school administrator can submit a Self Study to ACPE once all sections and standards are marked complete. No changes can be made after the Self Study has been submitted to ACPE.

The Self Study tab follows ACPE's Standards 2016 Rubric:

  • Self-Assessment Instrument for the Professional Degree Program of Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy
    • College or School's Overview
    • Summary of the College or School's Self-Study Process
    • Summary of the College or School's Self-Evaluation of All Standards
  • Section 1: Educational Outcomes
    • Standards 1-4
  • Section 2: Structure and Process to Promote Achievement of Educational Outcomes
    • Standards 5-23
  • Section 3: Assessment of Standards and Key Elements
    • Standards 24 and 25



Why can’t I see the ‘Self Study’ tab in AAMS?

  • You may not have the appropriate permission levels setup for your account. Please contact your AAMS school administrator to request the 'Self-Study Read' or 'Self-Study Write' permission level. Alternatively, email the AAMS Helpdesk using the subject heading User. Tip: If you know your school administrator, cc them in the e-mail as we will need their authorization on any account changes.

How can I share our Self Study with other faculty/staff at my institution to view or edit?

  • School user accounts can be created with either the 'Self-Study Write' (ability to read and edit content) or the 'Self-Study Read' (ability to read content but cannot make any edits) permission levels. Tip: Use Self-Study Read for individuals who will provide feedback and review the Self Study but not make any direct changes.

What AACP Survey data are populated in the Self Study?

  • Please visit the Self Study Data Sources article to view the data source, timeline, and mapping chart for standards in the Self Study tab. 

Why is there a buffering period when I try to open the Self Study tab and/or standard(s)?

  • AAMS may take some time to load certain standards or sections of the Self Study due to various reasons such as file types or sizes. Please allow up to several minutes for the standard to load properly. Troubleshoot: If the Self Study is not generating properly, try another browser and/or an incognito window. If possible, clear your cache and/or cookies. 

For additional help or feedback, email the AAMS Helpdesk