The Full Self Study PDF allows institution's to download a copy of their submitted Self Study. Note: Please disable the pop-up blockers and allow up to several minutes for the PDF to download.
Includes all standards with their narratives, data views, and uploads.
- Advantages over Short Version PDF and Individual Standard PDF:
- Contains the 'Documentation and Data' section for each and every standard.
- Disadvantages over Short Version PDF and Individual Standard PDF:
- Larger size file.
- Can download only after submitting a Self Study.
- Required to be saved in the C: drive to access uploads/links within the PDF (see step 6 under the 'How To Download Full Self Study PDF' instructions below).
How To Download the Full Self Study PDF
The Full Self Study PDF is available to school users with the ‘Self-Study Read’ or ‘Self-Study Write’ permission levels. Note: After a Self Study is submitted, ACPE receives online access to all 3 versions of the PDF as well as the thumb drive provided by the institution.
Once logged in:
- Choose ‘AAMS’ found in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen
- Click the ‘Self Study’ tab
- On the top right corner, click ‘Download Submitted Self Study Report' Note: This button populates only if the institution's Self Study has been submitted. Please do not attempt to download the PDF immediately after submitting a Self Study. Important: Allow at least 30 minutes before attempting to download the PDF from the time of submission (a date and time stamp is found at the top of the page). Failure to do so may result in the PDF not generating properly.
- A new browser tab will open and the PDF will begin generating and preparing for download. Please allow several minutes for the Save As window to appear to save the PDF zip file
- Once downloaded, right click on the zip file and choose 'Extract All'. Continue to Step 6
- A pop up will window appear to select a destination. Select the computer's C: drive as the main destination and click 'Extract'. The file will begin extracting. Once 100% complete the extracted folder will appear in the computer's C: drive listed as 'standards'. Continue to Step 7
- Double click on the standards folder and an 'uploads' folder will appear along with the Self Study PDF. Note: the upload links in the Self Study PDF will not open properly if the standards folder is not saved in the computer's C: drive (refer back to the Step 6). Do not move any of the files as they are organized in a way that allows links in the PDF to be opened.
Why can't I open links in the PDF I downloaded?
- Ensure once you open the standards folder, saved in your C: drive (see Step 7), the 'uploads' folder appears above the 'self_study_[#']' pdf. Do not move/reorganize any files in the standards folder. Note: The PDF is not Mac compatible, please use a PC to access the links. ACPE is aware of these limitations and this will not affect perceptions of the self study. Additionally, all ACPE site reviewers are given online accounts to access the Self Study where mac users can access the linked documents.
Why can't I find the 'uploads' folder and/or the 'self_study_#' pdf in the standards folder?
- Ensure the standards folder is saved in your C: drive (see Step 7).
- The PDF may not have generated properly (see note in Step 2 and also Step 4) if not given enough time. Please email the AAMS Helpdesk using the subject heading File Error. Tip: Include a screenshot of any error messages received and/or what your downloaded files look like as this will help facilitate troubleshooting.
What file should I include in the flash drive for ACPE?
- Load the entire zip file on the thumb drive. The zip file will need to be extracted from the USB drive to a personal computer's C: drive (for each person opening the file, following the same steps as above) in order for the 'uploads' and 'self_study_#' files to appear and the links within the pdf to open properly.
Can ACPE site visitors view the Self Study PDF?
- After the Self Study is submitted, ACPE site visitors assigned to your school have online access to the three versions of the institution's PDFs as well as the thumb drive provided from the institution. Note: ACPE does not have access to the Self Study PDF's before submission.
Why can't I see the 'Download Submitted Self Study Report' button in Step 3?
- You may not have the appropriate permission levels setup for your account. Please contact your AAMS school administrator to request the 'Self-Study Read' or 'Self-Study Write' permission level. Alternatively, email the AAMS Helpdesk using the subject heading User. Tip: If you know your school administrator, cc them in the e-mail as we will need their authorization on any account changes.
- Please ensure the Self Study has been submitted. Note: Only the school administrator can submit the Self Study after all standards have been marked complete.
I am trying to download a PDF version of my Self Study but nothing is generating. Why is my PDF not downloading?
- Please ensure the pop-up blocker disabled. Due to the size of the file, please also allow several minutes for the system to generate the PDF successfully. Troubleshoot: If the PDF is not generating properly, try another browser and/or an incognito window. If possible, clear your cache and/or cookies. If you are unable to download the PDF, email the AAMS Helpdesk using the subject heading File Error. Tip: Include a screenshot of any error messages received and/or what your downloaded files look like as this will help facilitate troubleshooting.
For additional help or feedback, email the AAMS Helpdesk.